Embrace Civility LLC

Empowering Students to Maintain Positive Relationships

Embrace Civility LLC supports the full engagement of students in maintaining an environment where hurtful behavior is incompatible with the accepted social norms and where everyone takes responsibility for the quality of personal relationships.
- Empower students to maintain positive relationships by engaging positively powerful students as leaders, encouraging positive norms, and increasing student relationship skills.
- Increase the effectiveness of school leaders, teachers, and staff in supporting positive relationships and responding to hurtful incidents in a restorative manner that supports the empowerment of involved students and effectively resolves the concerns.
Engage Students to
Embrace Civility
Engage Students to Embrace Civility provides school leaders with research-based guidance to:
- Reduce instances of hurtful behavior.
- Support targeted students to respond effectively when treated badly.
- Increase positive peer interventions by students who witness hurtful incidents
- Influence students who are hurtful to stop and remedy the harm.
- Increase the effectiveness of staff and school leaders in responding.
Bite Sized Professional Development
Embrace Civility LLS is developing Bite Sized Professional Development (BSPD) video courses. The courses will begin to be available Summer 2024.
These videos will be short — under 20 minutes. They will each focus on an individual topic. Thinking/discussion questions will be provided.
The videos will be narrated slideshows. The slides will be narrated so that the BSPD can be listened to in an audio format. The slides and a handout will be made available. This will allow educators to listen while driving or washing dishes.
Some of the videos will be arranged in a group to form a more extended course.
It is hoped that this approach will facilitate in school staff development. Staff can watch the video at a time of their choosing. Time spent in a staff meeting can be focused on discussions and planning for integration.
There are two intended audiences:
- School leaders and school mental health professionals, including counselors, psychologists, social workers, behavioral support coordinators, and nurses.
- All school staff, including certified teachers and classified support.
Positively Powerful Books for Young People
Notice: These books are being finalized. They will be available Fall 2024.
Bite-Sized PD courses will be available for school leaders/mental health and for all school staff.
The focus of Positively Powerful books and PD resources is supporting young people in becoming Thrivers — greater resilience and empowerment. .
A special focus of our efforts is on young people who are treated badly by peers or adults. We also seek to encourage those who have been hurtful to stop, own it, and fix it and those who witness hurtful situations to step in to help.
The Be Positively Powerful research-based strategies are set forth in the image, but some of the headings will change. The research that underlies these strategies will be provided in the Bite-Sized PD course.

Professional Consulting

- Are you having challenges addressing the complex challenges in your school setting or with a specific situation in your school?
- Are you facing an agency action or threat of litigation?
- Has a negative news story just been published about the challenges in your school and are you promising better action?
- Do you have some good idea about what you think should be done, but are having challenges convincing others and think it might be helpful to bring in someone to help explain?
- In all of these situations, I can provide consulting services.
I am available by at (541) 556-1145 phone or email. You can learn more about me, including access to my comprehensive resume.
Resolution Services
Embrace Civility LLC services are offered to attorneys who are representing:
- Students who have experienced discriminatory harassment, sex harassment, or bullying.
- School districts that are seeking a positive resolution, including a settlement agreement, in a harassment or bullying situation or are responding to concerns associated student speech.
Heritage Resources
I have been writing on these issues for well over a decade. This page links to many of my published articles and documents. This also links to information on a program I created called Cyber Savvy.
Embrace Civility Facebook Group
As my hope is for Participatory Involvement in the advancement of the concepts I am launching, a Facebook group to facilitate discussions among school leaders, school mental health professionals, and others interested in the well-being of young people. Please join us!

Empowering Students
to Maintain
Positive Relationships
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