
This is a private page that provides access to my published works, as well as some that are elsewhere on my website.

How Wide is Your Net? Article scheduled for February, District Administration. These steps are the ones that are most critical at this time.

Engage Students to Embrace Civility. This is my book that is for sale on Amazon. So please do not disseminate this manuscript widely. This sets for the research that documents that what schools are currently doing in bullying prevention is not working — and, more importantly, why. The problems are grounded in the face that what educators have been told about bullying behavior is inaccurate and what they have been directed to do (based on statutes) will not be effective. However, all of the professionals whose expertise I value in this area report that we are unable to effectively communicate about this to school leaders.

Be Positively Powerful: An Empowerment Plan for Teens Who Are Bullied or Harassed. This is the new approach I am trying. If I cannot be effective in convincing school leaders of the need for positive change, perhaps I can help those young people who are most vulnerable.

Bullying Prevention Statutes. A huge part of the problem in this area is the rules and punishment approach that has been incorporated into the bullying prevention statutes (not the fault of school leaders). This is an email I sent to Oregon leaders.

Positive Resolutions: How to Insist on a Positive Response by the School to the Bullying or Harassment of Your Child. This is a new guide for parents and parent advocates on how to document what is happening to their child and file a complaint or a request for an Independent Education Evaluation to achieve a better resolution.

P.R. v Shoshone School District.  For the record, I am a former attorney. I have done some work as a trial consultant for attorneys who are suing school districts. I provided substantial help to the attorney on this case — wrote major parts of the brief in response to the school district’s Motion for Summary Judgement. As you will see, the federal district judge heartily agreed with the Title IX arguments presented.

In fall 2017, I saw problems coming — problems of increased bullying and harassment, and increased risk of youth suicide and school violence. I tried and tried to reach out to Oregon school leaders. No one would listen. I finally tried to raise public attention through this commentary in the Register Guard.

In this commentary, I mention the Troubled Waters Survival Guide I sent to Oregon administrators. Not one responded. In spring 2018, there was a massive increase in youth suicide attempts and completions and nationally, a significant increase in school shootings.

The red flags I saw in fall 2017 are now blasting neon red. The likely soon to be released Muehler report is likely to cause supreme agitation. Minority students will be targeted. Trump supporters will be targeted. Everyone will be angry. Our young people will be at higher risk.

This commentary demonstrates concerns that were revealed in an analysis if Student Wellness Survey data in Lane County. This pdf is of a slideshow that demonstrates the data more specifically.

This is a news story about the concerns of the rise in violent behaviors, especially at the elementary level. Note these concerns are statewide. It is my opinion that there are three concerns that are melding together to create this challenge.

  • Profound economic disruption of families that has increased since the late 2000’s. This is causing a toxic environment, that is a form of trauma, that is damaging these children’s brains.
  • Early childhood educators have always had significant, legitimate concerns about the Common Core approach. National Institute for Early Childhood Education Washington Post  These warnings were not heeded. What schools are trying to force younger children to do is not something they can developmentally accomplish, especially those who have experienced trauma.
  • The behavior management approach that is being used throughout Oregon comes from the University of Oregon, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. This approach is not trauma informed and relies on use of token rewards in a way that discourages, shames, and excludes the students with greater challenges — who are the ones who are triggering. Note the Lane County data for more insight into this. Also read this document on Rethinking Token Rewards.

What we have emerging, especially at the elementary grade level, is a younger generation that will overwhelm our criminal justice system — unless the Oregon school leadership and state legislature wakes up and makes some very significant changes.

My strong commitment is to the safety and well-being of young people. My home page explains the new path I am following to try to better address this.

Restorative Justice and Hate Crimes

These are some links to resources and a research article I was able to download:

Restorative Justice Council

Contextualizing Restorative Justice for Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes and Restorative Justice

Responding to Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes and Restorative Justice