This site is under development. Please excuse our “dust.” The books below will be available fall 2024. The online courses will be available summer 2024 and beyond.
The Vision and Intent
Empower young people to maintain positive relationships and respond effectively when hurtful incidents occur.
Advocate for your child with their school if they are being treated badly to get the harm to stop.
Introductory Video
Learn More by watching this Introductory Video.
Free Ebook
Obtain your free Ebook here.
Rise Above Bullying

Positively Powerful Tween

Positively Powerful Teen

Entrance Portals
Through this Parents Portal you will find:
- Important civil rights sites.
- Documents to support your advocacy.
- Insight on Positively Powerful strategies.
- Parenting podcasts.
Rise Above Bullying Consultants
Rise Above Bullying Consultants are any professional who works with youth and families who has received professional development through the online certification course that is provided.
This includes counselors, psychologists, social workers, parent advocates, and others.
Professional development online courses and other resources for educators are provided through Embrace Civility LLC. Access these resources through this Portal.
Young People (and Friends)
This Portal links to a companion website to support Positively Powerful. This site has short videos providing insight into the Positively Powerful strategies for young people and a professional development course for educators and other youth workers to support use of these resources.
Podcasters and Media
My media one sheet is available their this Portal, as are links to podcast and media appearances.
I provide services to school districts, as well as agencies or attorneys who are working with school districts to address the challenges of bullying in more significant and pervasive situations..